Qualification Certificates

EN ISO 9001
Certificate of Bureau Veritas concerning the introduction and application of a quality management systemin accordance with the standard ISO 9001:2015

EN ISO 14001
Certificate of Bureau Veritas concerning the introduction and application of an environmental management system in accordance with the standard ISO 14001:2015

EN ISO 45001
Certificate of Bureau Veritas concerning the introduction and application of an occupational health and safety management system in accordance with the ISO 45001:2018

EN ISO 3834-2
Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials

AD2000 HPO
DGRL 2013/68/EU
General principles for design, manufacture and associated testing, and compliance with the Pressure Equipment Directive

EN 1090
EN ISO 17660-1
EN ISO 17660-2
Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures. Manufacturer qualification for welding reinforced steel

HAVO Qualification Certification in acc. with DIN 1045-3
Certification of skilled workers for the production and installation of concrete with higher strength in accordance with DIN 1045-3

Concrete Quality Mark
Certificate based on monitoring performed to ensure compliance with a consistently high level of quality

KTA 1401
Certificate confirming the qualification for a systems- and product-related quality assurance in accordance with Rule KTA 1401

SHE Management Systems in acc. with SCC
Certificate on the introduction and application of a safety, health and environmental protection management system

Specialist company acc. to WHG acc. to § 62 AwSV
Certificate as a specialist company in accordance with § 62 of the Water Resources Act (WHG): Erection, repair, internal cleaning and closure of systems involving substances hazardous to water

Permission in acc. with the German "Radiation Protection Ordinance"
Enforcement of the Radiation Protection Ordinance pursuant to § 25 StrlSchG for activities in third-party facilities and installations